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Info and Media Sources for “The US Was Built on the Backs of Slaves”

Thanks for watching “The US Was Built on the Backs of Slaves” by Ron Weaver aka American Thai Guy. Episode 1 of our “The Truth About the US” series. All information and media used in this video were sourced from the following WikiPedia articles. If you’d like to share your feedback on this video, feel free to submit a comment on YouTube. Remembers to always be kind in your interactions with others.

If you’d like to support my work, grab some merch from my online shop or you can signup for membership on my youtube channel here. If you’re a proficient English speaker interested in learning how to speak Thai? Consider signing up for our 12-week language course. Find more information about that here. Thanks for your continuing support.

Atlantic Slave Trade

Slavery in the colonial history of the US

Confederate States of America

American Civil War

13th Amendment of the US Constitution

14th Amendment of the US Constitution

15th Amendment of the US Constitution

Jim Crow Laws

Racism in the United States

If you’d like to support my work, grab some merch from my online shop or you can signup for membership on my youtube channel here. If you’re a proficient English speaker interested in learning how to speak Thai? Consider signing up for our 12-week language course. Find more information about that here. Thanks for your continuing support.